GRUNK- Audición Armenia de Mar del Plata

FM Ciudad- 99.1 Domingos 11 a 13 horas

sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011


Lunes 28 de febrero, 19 hs.

1988 - 28 de Febrero - 2011

23 años de IMPUNIDAD
Justicia para los mártires de SUMGAIT y BAKÚ
Autodeterminación para KARABAGH
PAZ para todos.

28 de Febrero Marchamos a la Embajada de Azerbayán en Buenos Aires.
Nos juntamos en Lacroze y Cabildo a las 19hs.
Traé tus banderas!

Convoca: Jóvenes Armenios

Leer más sobre las masacres de Sumgait y Bakú


ՀՅԴ Արմենիա Երիտասարդական Միութիւն
Unión Juventud Armenia de la FRA
Seguínos en Facebook y Twitter

Liga de Jóvenes convoca.....

A deportistas, jóvenes y allegados; a participar del "Lanzamiento oficial del año 2011".
Se informará del calendario deportivo, horarios de planteles, Olimpíadas Sudamericanas, actividades solciales y nuevos proyectos.

Acercate, informate y opiná

Esperamos antiguos, actuales y futuros jugadores, el Martes 1° de Marzo a las 20:30 hs. en la sala Sam Simonian del Colegio Nubarian de la U.G.A.B.

Si querés divertirte y pasarla bien:
Sumate a la familia de UGAB...
Sumate a la LIGA!!!

LDJ' 11

Cultura Armenia

Promover la cultura armenia es uno de los objetivos fundamentales de la Unión General Armenia de Beneficencia. Sus filiales en el mundo desarrollan programas y brindan apoyo a artistas, escritores y profesionales en la difusión de sus obras.
La filial de Buenos Aires ofrece en su Sede de Armenia 1318, material diverso en CD-s, DVD-s y libros que detallamos a continuación.

Los interesados en adquirirlos pueden hacerlo en Armenia 1318, de lunes a viernes de 9 a 19, ó informarse al 4773-2820, líneas rotativas.


- “Música del Mundo” ; “Düdük Melódico” ; “Viaje Espiritual” y “Armenia düdük”, música interpretada por el artista Gagik Gasparyan en düdük y clarinete.


- DVD del concierto ofrecido por Charles Aznavour en Ereván, Armenia, en su gira mundial.

- DVD de la cantante Nuné Yesayan de su presentación en Buenos Aires con motivo de las celebraciones del Centenario de la UGAB Mundial.

- DVD de la Ceremonia de Bendición de los Santos Oleos, en la Santa Sede de Etchmiadzín, Armenia


- Diccionarios Español-Armenio y Armenio-Español, del Monseñor Dr. Pascual Tekeyan

- “Historia del Genocidio Armenio”, de Vahakn Dadrian

- “Armenia” – Fotos del Arquitecto y fotógrafo Sdepan Norair Chahinian

- “Sabores con Historia, Cocina Armenia”, en español y en inglés (editado por la UGAB)

- “Regocijas mi corazón”, de Kemal Yalçin, testimonios del Genocidio Armenio por un escritor turco.

- “Historia del Pueblo Armenio”, de Ashot Artzruní, edición actualizada

- “El puñetazo en la puerta”, de Margaret Ahnert, en español y en inglés. Vivencias del Genocidio Armenio, narradas por la madre de la autora.

- “26 La Revelación”, de María Cristina Khandjian, un viaje hacia la espiritualidad, hacia la revelación de nuestro ser.

- “Semillas del desarraigo”, de Arto Kalciyan. Es la historia de una familia armenia, a partir del exilio.

- “Un acto vergonzoso”, de Taner Akçam, el Genocidio Armenio y la cuestión de la responsabilidad turca.

- “El niño armenio”, de Nydia Brena de Serabian. Anécdotas simples de una familia armenia forzada al destierro y los sucesos que perfilaron sus vidas.

- “Nuestra Catedral”, del escribano Arturo Balassanian. Libro dedicado al 70º Aniversario de la fundación de la Catedral Armenia San Gregorio El Iluminador de Buenos Aires.


Al cumplirse el 23º aniversario de la masacre contra la población armenia de la ciudad de Sumgait, Azerbaidján, trágicos hechos producidos entre el 26 y el 28 de febrero de 1988, la Unión General Armenia de Beneficencia convoca a nuestra comunidad a estar presente en la misa de hokehankisd en memoria de los cientos de víctimas, a realizarse el domingo 27 de febrero, a las 11, durante la ceremonia religiosa en la Catedral San Gregorio El Iluminador, Armenia 1353, Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011

Armenian Music - Silva Hakobyan Xachik Vachik

Armenian Music Silva Hakobyan - Mi Gna 2010

Witness - An Armenian Homecoming - Part 2

Both pilgrimage and detective story, filmmaker Ani King-Underwood's family story of returning to find a former home in Turkey.

Turks and Germans: Partners in Crime and Allies in Court

By Harut Sassounian
Publisher, The California Courier
Last month, when German life insurance companies requested a rehearing from a Federal Court of Appeals, contesting its decision in favor of Armenian claimants, the Republic of Turkey filed an "amicus curiae" (friend of the court) petition in support of the German defendants.
This was an intriguing development. The heirs of now deceased Armenian policyholders were suing German insurance companies; and Turkey -- not a party to the lawsuit -- was shamelessly siding with the delinquent firms. No one was demanding payment from the Turkish government! Why would Turkey, a foreign country, interfere in a U.S. lawsuit against German companies?
The Turkish petition is a 15-page-long propaganda piece that denies the facts of the Armenian Genocide. It describes the United States and Turkey as working "shoulder-to-shoulder," adding that 120,000 Turks reside in the United States, and that 700,000 Americans visit Turkey every year. The Turkish brief does not explain, however, how any of these assertions have any relevance to the failure of German insurance companies to compensate the heirs of Armenian policyholders.
The Turkish petition attacks the California law extending the statute of limitations on Armenian claims against insurance companies by heirs of genocide victims. It alleges that the California statute "offends Turkey’s sovereignty by legislating Turkish history and by declaring Turkey and its predecessor state guilty of the crime of genocide." The petition goes on to state: "Turkey resents having any U.S. legislature or other official formulate its own definition of genocide specifically to declare that Turkey or its predecessor state is guilty of this crime." Ironically, the Turkish government never expressed any resentment or complaint when 42 U.S. states and many American cities were recognizing the Armenian Genocide in recent decades. Ankara justified its inaction by claiming that its counterpart is the federal government, not individual states or cities.
The Turkish petition lamely claims that foreign states can not "monitor and react to the individual actions of fifty state legislatures and governors. Rather, Turkey’s interlocutor with the fifty United States is the U.S. federal government." It then quotes from Turkish Ambassador Nabi Sensoy’s letter to the Court of Appeals on December 4, 2008, stating that "Turkey has not as such protested state proclamations on this historic controversy because it conducts it (sic) foreign affairs directly with the U.S. Federal Government, primarily the Executive Branch. We do not have similar relations with the states."
The petition falsely refers to the Genocide as "mutual suffering of Ottoman Armenians and Turks" and "wartime misery." It flippantly dismisses Pres. Reagan’s 1981 Proclamation acknowledging the Armenian Genocide, and omits any reference to the two Congressional resolutions of 1975 and 1984 recognizing the Genocide. Instead, the Turkish government proudly proclaims that no new resolutions were adopted on this subject during the Obama administration!
The Turkish government drops a bombshell by revealing in its petition that Prime Minister Erdogan had written to Pres. Obama on December 19, 2010, complaining about the Federal Appeals Court’s decision that "the position of the US administration is not against the recognition of ‘genocide’ at the state or federal level." This is yet another blatant attempt by a foreign leader to intervene in U.S. court proceedings. Interestingly, the petition discloses only a portion of Erdogan’s letter to Obama, claiming that "the balance of this letter constitutes a confidential diplomatic communication."
The appeals court should either reject the Turkish petition as unwarranted interference by a foreign power in American judicial proceedings or demand the release of the full text of Erdogan’s letter to verify the accuracy of the quoted portion and to confirm if it includes any other reference to the lawsuit. The Turkish government cannot hide behind "diplomatic confidentiality," as it has waived the claim of "privileged communication" by selectively disclosing portions of the letter.
In their petition, Turkish officials make the misleading suggestion that the Armenia-Turkey Protocols, signed over a year ago, "will seek to overcome all hurdles in their present relations, and jointly consider the historic controversy." The authors of the disingenuous Turkish petition cleverly conceal from federal judges the fact that they have not ratified the Protocols and have no intention to do so. Ankara is attempting to exploit the now defunct Protocols to quash a legitimate lawsuit against German insurance companies.
The Turkish government has attached two letters to its petition, one signed by its Ambassador to the U.S., and the other by the Chairman of the Turkish Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee. The Federal Appeals Court should promptly disregard both letters, along with the petition, as propaganda materials lacking any legal merit or standing.

Turks and Germans: Partners in Crime and Allies in Court

By Harut Sassounian
Publisher, The California Courier
Last month, when German life insurance companies requested a rehearing from a Federal Court of Appeals, contesting its decision in favor of Armenian claimants, the Republic of Turkey filed an "amicus curiae" (friend of the court) petition in support of the German defendants.
This was an intriguing development. The heirs of now deceased Armenian policyholders were suing German insurance companies; and Turkey -- not a party to the lawsuit -- was shamelessly siding with the delinquent firms. No one was demanding payment from the Turkish government! Why would Turkey, a foreign country, interfere in a U.S. lawsuit against German companies?
The Turkish petition is a 15-page-long propaganda piece that denies the facts of the Armenian Genocide. It describes the United States and Turkey as working "shoulder-to-shoulder," adding that 120,000 Turks reside in the United States, and that 700,000 Americans visit Turkey every year. The Turkish brief does not explain, however, how any of these assertions have any relevance to the failure of German insurance companies to compensate the heirs of Armenian policyholders.
The Turkish petition attacks the California law extending the statute of limitations on Armenian claims against insurance companies by heirs of genocide victims. It alleges that the California statute "offends Turkey’s sovereignty by legislating Turkish history and by declaring Turkey and its predecessor state guilty of the crime of genocide." The petition goes on to state: "Turkey resents having any U.S. legislature or other official formulate its own definition of genocide specifically to declare that Turkey or its predecessor state is guilty of this crime." Ironically, the Turkish government never expressed any resentment or complaint when 42 U.S. states and many American cities were recognizing the Armenian Genocide in recent decades. Ankara justified its inaction by claiming that its counterpart is the federal government, not individual states or cities.
The Turkish petition lamely claims that foreign states can not "monitor and react to the individual actions of fifty state legislatures and governors. Rather, Turkey’s interlocutor with the fifty United States is the U.S. federal government." It then quotes from Turkish Ambassador Nabi Sensoy’s letter to the Court of Appeals on December 4, 2008, stating that "Turkey has not as such protested state proclamations on this historic controversy because it conducts it (sic) foreign affairs directly with the U.S. Federal Government, primarily the Executive Branch. We do not have similar relations with the states."
The petition falsely refers to the Genocide as "mutual suffering of Ottoman Armenians and Turks" and "wartime misery." It flippantly dismisses Pres. Reagan’s 1981 Proclamation acknowledging the Armenian Genocide, and omits any reference to the two Congressional resolutions of 1975 and 1984 recognizing the Genocide. Instead, the Turkish government proudly proclaims that no new resolutions were adopted on this subject during the Obama administration!
The Turkish government drops a bombshell by revealing in its petition that Prime Minister Erdogan had written to Pres. Obama on December 19, 2010, complaining about the Federal Appeals Court’s decision that "the position of the US administration is not against the recognition of ‘genocide’ at the state or federal level." This is yet another blatant attempt by a foreign leader to intervene in U.S. court proceedings. Interestingly, the petition discloses only a portion of Erdogan’s letter to Obama, claiming that "the balance of this letter constitutes a confidential diplomatic communication."
The appeals court should either reject the Turkish petition as unwarranted interference by a foreign power in American judicial proceedings or demand the release of the full text of Erdogan’s letter to verify the accuracy of the quoted portion and to confirm if it includes any other reference to the lawsuit. The Turkish government cannot hide behind "diplomatic confidentiality," as it has waived the claim of "privileged communication" by selectively disclosing portions of the letter.
In their petition, Turkish officials make the misleading suggestion that the Armenia-Turkey Protocols, signed over a year ago, "will seek to overcome all hurdles in their present relations, and jointly consider the historic controversy." The authors of the disingenuous Turkish petition cleverly conceal from federal judges the fact that they have not ratified the Protocols and have no intention to do so. Ankara is attempting to exploit the now defunct Protocols to quash a legitimate lawsuit against German insurance companies.
The Turkish government has attached two letters to its petition, one signed by its Ambassador to the U.S., and the other by the Chairman of the Turkish Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee. The Federal Appeals Court should promptly disregard both letters, along with the petition, as propaganda materials lacking any legal merit or standing.