GRUNK- Audición Armenia de Mar del Plata

FM Ciudad- 99.1 Domingos 11 a 13 horas

sábado, 27 de febrero de 2010

Disculpas: Keghart

Dear friends,

Some of you may have not been able to access the site in the past few hours, because had technical difficulties due to high traffic. It is updated to accommodate higher flow.
Keghart extends its apologies for resubmitting the announcement about Battle Over History and brings your attention to an additional information. "According to uncomfirmed reports the program may not reflect the "whole truth", bordering "misrepresentation" of the case."

Team Keghart

Battle Over History

On Sunday, Feb. 28, 2010 at 7:00 pm ET, 60 Minutes (CBS TV Network) will air a segment on the Armenian Genocide. Bob Simon and Peter Balakian traveled to Deir El Zor desert to visit the Armenian death march sites and shed light on the untold stories of the victims of the first Genocide of the 20th century. According to uncomfirmed reports the program may not reflect the "whole truth", bordering "misrepresentation" of the case.

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